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Terms of Reference

Labrador - Island Transmission Link Project– Review of Species of Special Conservation Concern Component Study from the EA Report

Newfoundland and Labrador Region and Quebec Region Science Special Response Process (SSRP)

St. John’s, NL
December, 2011


Nalcor Energy is proposing to develop the Labrador – Island Transmission Link Project as part of the larger project of establishing a High Voltage Direct Current transmission system extending from Central Labrador to the Island of Newfoundland’s Avalon Peninsula. In preparation for, and support of the Project, Nalcor Energy has submitted to Marine Habitat Protection Section of Fisheries and Oceans Canada in Newfoundland and Labrador a series of environmental assessment reports. In November 2011, the report entitled "Species of Special Conservation Concern Component Study" was submitted and the purpose of the report is to present a summary of species of special concern for use in the EA and on-going Project planning. The Marine Habitat Protection Section (NL Region) sent a request to Science Branch, NL Region, on November 7, 2011 for a review of the component study and a response was requested by December 30, 2011. As the Quebec Region is also responsible for the management of some of these species in the area covered by the project, regional DFO Science Branch at the Maurice Lamontagne Institute (IML) with NL Science were requested to review the species at risk for which NL and Quebec regions have information to validate whether the information contained in the component study is accurate and complete.


Expected Publications



Nalcor Energy, 2011. Labrador – Island Transmission Link – Environmental assessment. Species of Special Conservation Concern Component Study. November 2011.


Participation to CSAS peer review meetings is by invitation only.

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