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Terms of Reference

Assessment of Northern and Striped Shrimp

Zonal Science Special Response Process - Newfoundland and Labrador, and Central and Arctic regions

February 20, 2012
St. John's, NL (via teleconference)

Chairpersons: Becky Sjare and Dawn Parsons


The status of Northern Shrimp in Shrimp Fishing Areas (SFAs) 2 to 6 (NAFO Div. 0B to 3K) and Striped Shrimp in SFAs 2 and 3 were assessed on a biannual basis through 2010. Concerns over the decline of the resource within SFA6 presented at the 2010 Zonal Advisory Process meeting (ZAP) resulted in a request by DFO Fisheries Management to assess the stocks again the following year, which was completed at the ZAP in February 2011. The 2011 ZAP also concluded that status of these stocks would be fully assessed biannually based on the Precautionary Approach (PA) framework. However, due to continued concern over the decline in stock status, DFO Fisheries Management requested an update of resource status prior to developing fisheries plans for the 2012/13 fishing season. A CSAS Science Special Response is planned for February 2012 to provide this requested update.


  1. Update the indices for the PA framework for the status of Northern Shrimp in SFAs 4-6 for each stock through the 2011/12 fishing season.
  2. Update the indices for the PA framework with the status of Northern and Striped Shrimp in the Eastern and Western Assessment Zones (SFAs 2-3) through the 2011/12 fishing season.

Expected Publications

Two Science Responses:



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