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Terms of Reference

Project to Install Underwater Generators in the St. Lawrence River – Impact of Turbines on Fish Passage

Quebec Region Science Special Response Process (SSRP)

February 2012
Mont-Joli, Quebec

Meeting Chairperson: Charley Cyr


A technology demonstration pilot project using underwater generators is currently under development in the St. Lawrence River near the port of Montreal at the Concorde Bridge. This project represents the first phase of a larger project that will include the installation of twenty underwater generators in Phase II, with an additional 200 underwater generators installed in the same area in subsequent phases. Fish Habitat Management Branch (FHMB) conducted an analysis of the monitoring program proposed by the proponent and, on January 17, 2012, requested the collaboration of scientists from the Regional Science Branch to provide advice on hydroacoustic monitoring techniques. The concerns of the FHMB deal primarily with the assessment of fish passage through the turbines, in particular the passive downstream migration of eels and larvae and the movement of fish in this area given their life cycle requirements. (e.g.: reproduction). This aspect of the monitoring program is considered a necessary component for evaluating the need to develop specific management measures to avoid or minimize fish mortality as a result of their passage in the area (e.g.: turbine stoppage during critical downstream migration periods).


To provide scientific advice on the monitoring protocol proposed by the Contractor, more specifically for the analysis of fish movement and passage near and through the turbines in relation to flow disturbance. The following specific objectives will be considered:

  1. Advantages and inconveniences of using a split beam sonar transducer for assessing fish movement transiting either through or outside of the device;
  2. Advantages and inconveniences and limits of using a multibeam acoustic camera;
  3. Proposal for positioning monitoring devices to meet FHMB requirements;
  4. Important criteria to consider in the analysis of monitoring proposals related to fish movement in and near the underwater generator (e.g.: positioning, device detection limits, positional accuracy of points observed, wavelength to eliminate background noise, identification of size limits, etc.)

Expected Publications



Participation to CSAS peer review meetings is by invitation only.

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