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Terms of Reference

An Update of Stock Status and Determination of Limit Reference Points for the American Plaice stocks in i) NAFO Subarea 2+ Division 3K, and ii) NAFO subDivision 3Ps

Regional Peer Review Process – Newfoundland & Labrador Region

March 20 & 21, 2012
St. John’s, Newfoundland

Chairperson: Brian Healey, Stock Assessment Biologist, DFO Science (NL)


Ecosystems and Fisheries Management has requested identification of reference points for the above mentioned American Plaice (Hippoglossoides platessoides) stocks in order to apply the DFO Precautionary Approach framework (DFO, 2009). The limit reference point and the upper stock reference will be used to define the critical, cautious and healthy zones.


To address the request for advice, the following objectives have been set:

Expected publications

Expected Participation

References Cited

DFO, 2009. A fishery decision-making framework incorporating the Precautionary Approach. (


Participation to CSAS peer review meetings is by invitation only.

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