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Terms of Reference

Review of downstream spatial boundaries for fish and fish habitat assessment areas, Site C Hydroelectric project

Science Special Response Process (SSRP) - Pacific Region

May 11, 2012
Vancouver, BC

Chairperson: Mike Bradford


BC Hydro is proposing to construct a hydroelectric dam at Site C on the Peace River near Fort St. John, BC.  The dam will be the third and furthest downstream plant on the river and will largely be operated as a run-of-river facility.  The Site C Clean Energy Project started an environmental assessment by way of review panel on September 30, 2011.

In its draft ‘Environmental Impact Statement Guidelines’, BC Hydro has proposed that the downstream boundary of the local assessment area for fish and habitat effects (LAA) be at Many Islands AB, about 125 km downstream of Site C, and the regional assessment area (RAA) be at Vermillion Chutes, about 740 km from Site C.  For reference, the LAA is defined by Canadian Environmental Assessment Act (CEAA) as the area that potential adverse effects will be assessed within, and the RAA is the area within which cumulative effects (with other projects) will be assessed.

On April 26, 2012, Fisheries and Oceans Canada’s (DFO) Environmental Assessment and Major Projects Division (EAMP), Pacific  Region requested that DFO Science Branch Pacific provide advice on the proposed downstream spatial boundaries for evaluating the potential effects of Site C on fish and fish habitat.  Given that this project extends into Alberta, DFO Science Central and Arctic Region will assist in this assessment.


The objective of the SSRP is to provide science advice on the following question:

  1. Is the extent of the Local and Regional Assessment Area for fish and fish habitat adequate to capture the potential impacts to fish and fish habitat or is there the potential for effects on fish and fish habitat at the Peace Athabasca Delta?

Expected publications



Participation to CSAS peer review meetings is by invitation only.

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