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Terms of Reference

Potential Impacts to Wild Fish Populations and Habitat in the Vicinity of a Proposed Finfish Aquaculture Site in Shoal Bay, Nova Scotia

Regional Science Special Response Process – Maritimes Region

May 2012
Dartmouth, Nova Scotia

Chairperson: Trevor Floyd


Fisheries and Oceans Canada's (DFO) Habitat Management Division, Maritimes Region, is reviewing an Environmental Assessment (EA) for a finfish aquaculture site in Shoal Bay, Nova Scotia, to determine if it is likely to result in negative impacts to fish and fish habitat. As part of the Federal EA process, DFO may provide advice to Transport Canada regarding any impacts that fall under DFO's mandate. In addition, DFO may advise the Nova Scotia Department of Fisheries and Aquaculture regarding the proposed development. Refer to Canadian Environmental Assessment Registry number 12-01-66202 for more information regarding the EA of the proposed development project.

On April 17, 2012, Habitat Management requested that DFO Maritimes Science provide advice on four issues pertaining to the proposed finfish aquaculture site in Shoal Bay, Nova Scotia: the potential for organic enrichment, the potential impacts to wild salmon populations, the potential uses of habitat by commercially important species, and the presence of critical or important habitat for these species.

The Science Special Response Process (SSRP) will be based on existing data sources, which may be limited in number and of lower resolution and scale relative to the location and size of the proposed aquaculture site. An SSRP was used due to the short deadline for advice and the fact that the advice will contribute to a broader Canadian Environmental Assessment Act process.


The objective of the SSRP is to provide science advice on the following questions:

Wild Salmon Populations
  1. What wild salmon populations are known to be, or are potentially, present in the vicinity of the proposed finfish aquaculture site in Shoal Bay, and what are their relative abundances?

  2. During which times of the year and for what duration would wild salmon be expected to be in the vicinity of the proposed aquaculture site?

  3. What freshwater habitat found within the Southern Upland of Nova Scotia is currently used by wild salmon as spawning habitat?
Organic Enrichment
  1. When running DEPOMOD with resuspension off, what is the area of sensitivity for organic enrichment predicted for the proposed aquaculture site based on a stocking level of 500,000 fish at the:
    1. maximum daily feed rate?
    2. average daily feed rate?

  2. When running DEPOMOD with the resuspension on, what is the area of sensitivity for organic enrichment predicted for the proposed aquaculture site based on a stocking level of 500,000 fish at the:
    1. maximum daily feed rate?
    2. average daily feed rate?

  3. At what daily feed rate would the carbon deposition rate of 5 g/m2/d be exceeded, and what level of stocking would that support when running DEPOMOD with:
    1. resuspension off?
    2. resuspension on?
Fish Habitat and Other Fish Populations
  1. Based on the type of habitat, site depth, and location, what are the potential uses of that habitat by lobster, groundfish, clams, scallops, crab, sea urchin, and any other commercially important species?

  2. Within the general vicinity of the proposed aquaculture sites, are there species that are not listed in the attached table that are particularly important for fisheries resources, and is there any critical or important habitat for these species in the area?

Expected Publications



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