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Terms of Reference

Review of the Draft St. Anns Bank Area of Interest (AOI) Monitoring Framework

Regional Science Special Response Process – Maritimes Region

8-9 November 2012
Dartmouth, Nova Scotia

Chairperson: Eddy Kennedy


A marine protected area (MPA) is a coastal or oceanic area given special status to conserve and protect its habitat and wildlife under Section 35 of Canada’s Oceans Act. Under the Health of the Oceans (HOTO) Initiative, Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) identified a series of Areas of Interest (AOI) for candidate MPAs located in different regions across Canada, with a goal of designating an additional six MPAs pursuant to the Oceans Act. In the DFO Maritimes Region, St. Anns Bank, located off Scatarie Island, Cape Breton, Nova Scotia, has been selected as an AOI. The St. Anns Bank AOI includes part of St. Anns Bank, Scatarie Bank, and a portion of the Laurentian Channel. These marine areas provide diverse habitats for a range of commercial fish species (e.g. redfish and halibut), non-commercial marine species (e.g. sponges, corals, and anemones) and several at-risk marine species. The area also lies astride a key migration route for many marine mammals and commercial and non-commercial fish species. A Regional Science Advisory Process was conducted in January 2012 to review the proposed conservation objectives and assessment methodology for this AOI (DFO 2012).

Under HOTO, DFO Science is required to deliver indicators, protocols and strategies for monitoring the conservation objectives of established MPAs and identified AOIs. Monitoring of biological and ecological indicators (and related threats) is essential for:

  1. incorporating an ecological component into broader MPA monitoring programs,
  2. tracking status, condition and trends to determine if MPAs are effective in achieving their conservation objectives,
  3. aiding managers in the adjustment of MPA management plans to achieve conservation objectives and
  4. reporting to Parliament and Canadians. Selection of indicators and protocols for collection and analysis of data must be scientifically defensible.

A draft Monitoring Framework for the St. Anns Bank AOI, including indicators, protocols and strategies for monitoring the conservation objectives identified in the previous DFO Science Advisory Process (DFO 2012) has been prepared. However, it is still early in the planning process, and the final boundaries and conservation objectives for the St. Anns Bank AOI have not yet been determined. Thus, a Regional Science Special Response Process will be used to conduct an internal review of this draft Monitoring Framework. It is expected that opportunity for public input and more formal science advice related to the monitoring indicators, protocols and strategies for a St. Anns Bank MPA, should it be designated as one, will be provided at a later time, as needed.


The objectives of this meeting are:

Expected Publications



DFO. 2012. Conservation Priorities, Objectives, and Ecosystem Assessment Approach for the St Anns Bank Area of Interest (AOI). DFO. Can. Sci. Advis. Sec. Sci. Advis. Rep. 2012/034.


Participation to CSAS peer review meetings is by invitation only.

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