Terms of Reference
Identification of Important Marine and Estuarine Habitat for Inner Bay of Fundy Salmon
Regional Peer Review – Maritimes Region
November 21-22, 2012
Dartmouth, Nova Scotia
Chairperson: Tana Worcester
The inner Bay of Fundy (iBoF) Atlantic salmon was listed as an endangered species under the Species at Risk Act (SARA) when it came into force in 2004. SARA requires the identification of critical habitat for endangered species. A Recovery Potential Assessment for iBoF Atlantic salmon was conducted in 2008 (DFO 2009), which includes information on important habitat for iBoF Atlantic salmon available at that time. A Recovery Strategy for the iBoF salmon was developed and published on the SAR Public Registry as final in May 2010 (DFO 2010). This recovery strategy identifies freshwater critical habitat areas for iBoF salmon and includes a Schedule of Studies to help define additional critical habitat. Atlantic salmon require both freshwater, estuaries, and marine habitat to complete their life cycle. The current review will provide additional information in support of the identification of marine and estuarine critical habitat for iBoF Atlantic salmon.
To the extent possible with the information available, and taking account of uncertainties:
Provide functional descriptions (as well as features and attributes) of the marine and estuarine habitat required for successful completion of all life-history stages of inner Bay of Fundy salmon, including but not limited to:
- Spatial and temporal high-use areas based on existing marine distribution data;
- post-smolt marine foraging habitat, migration routes, and summer resident habitat;
- to the extent possible, kelt re-conditioning habitat and areas where mortality occurs;
- potential overwintering habitat as described in the 2008 RPA;
- estuaries of importance to iBoF salmon, such as those associated with the freshwater critical habitat (i.e., rivers) that has already been identified.
Provide geospatial information on the location and spatial extent of the areas that are likely to have these habitat properties.
Recommend research or analysis activities necessary to complete the above Terms of Reference if current information is incomplete.
Expected Publications
- Science Advisory Report
- Research Document
- Proceedings
- DFO Science
- DFO Ecosystem Management
- DFO Fisheries and Aquaculture Management
- DFO Policy and Economics
- Provincial (NB and NS) governments
- Aboriginal Communities / Organizations
- Non-governmental organizations
- Fishing Industry
- Aquaculture Industry
- External Reviewers
Participation to CSAS peer review meetings is by invitation only.
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