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Terms of Reference

Review of the Musquash Estuary Marine Protected Area (MPA) Monitoring Data

Regional Peer Review – Maritimes Region

Part 1 – Data Review: January 29, 2013 (St. Andrews, NB)
Part 2 – Assessment: June 25-27, 2013 (St. Andrews, NB)

Chairperson: Eddy Kennedy


The Musquash Estuary in southwest New Brunswick is unique in the region due to its size, expansive salt marshes, and relatively undisturbed natural condition. It is the largest ecologically-intact estuary in the Bay of Fundy. It exhibits a diverse number of habitat types and related biological communities. On December 14, 2006, the lands and waters in the Musquash Estuary, up to the ordinary water level at low tide, were designated a Marine Protected Area (MPA) through regulations made pursuant to Canada’s Oceans Act. Certain intertidal areas adjacent to the MPA are also administered and protected by Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) (i.e. Administered Intertidal Area or AIA). Although the MPA is regulated via the Oceans Act and the AIA is regulated via the Fisheries Act, the intent is to monitor and manage both areas holistically as an MPA. For the remainder of the document, any reference to the Musquash Estuary MPA will imply both the MPA and AIA.

In support of the Health of the Oceans Initiative (HOTO), DFO Science Branch is required to deliver scientifically defensible indicators, protocols, and strategies for monitoring MPAs that have been designated pursuant to the Oceans Act. To meet this requirements, DFO Science Branch developed an Ecosystem Monitoring Framework to address the conservation objectives for the Musquash Estuary MPA, consisting of a suite of fifteen indicators and advice on how to implement a cost-effective monitoring program that incorporates existing monitoring programs, protocols and strategies to the extent possible (DFO 2011).  A Maritimes Region Science Advisory Process was conducted in December 2010 to review this framework.  It was acknowledged that there was a lack of baseline data for many aspects of the Musquash Estuary ecosystem, thus, the proposed indicators were general rather than specific, with a range of monitoring strategies and protocols proposed as a first step to evaluating the indicators in tandem with improving baseline knowledge.

The proposed Regional Peer Review meetings would provide an opportunity to present and discuss relevant data that has been collected to establish a baseline for some of the indicators proposed within the Musquash Estuary MPA Ecosystem Monitoring Framework.  These meetings will also provide an opportunity to discuss the proposed monitoring indicators, protocols and strategies (including data management considerations) to determine if changes are required to meet on-going MPA monitoring needs.  The invitee list for the first meeting will focus on individuals or organizations that have been collecting monitoring data while the invitee list for the second meetings will focus on a broader audience.


Part 1 – Data Review
Part 2 – Assessment

Expected Publications



DFO. 2011. Musquash Estuary: A Proposed Monitoring Framework for the Marine Protected Area and Intertidal Area Administered by Fisheries and Oceans Canada.  DFO. Can. Sci. Advis. Sec. Sci. Advis. Rep. 2011/040


Participation to CSAS peer review meetings is by invitation only.

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