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Terms of Reference

State of the Pacific Ocean: 2013 Workshop

Regional Peer Review – Pacific Region

February 20-21, 2013
Sidney, B.C.

Chairpersons: Jim Irvine and Bill Crawford


Annual state of the ocean reporting in the Pacific Region is provided by the Pacific Region Fisheries and Oceanography Working Group (FOWG), in conjunction with the regional Centre for Science Advice Pacific (CSAP) and the Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat (CSAS) in Ottawa.

Significant changes have occurred in recent years in physical and biological oceanographic conditions and the state of fishery resources. Annual monitoring and reporting provides a synopsis of current status, how it is changing, and how these changes may affect commercial and non-commercial resources in the region.

The influences of ocean conditions are an important component of fishery resource assessment. The annual State of the Pacific Ocean Report provides an overview of these conditions, which can then be used by DFO Science Branch in resource assessments. DFO Fisheries Management Branch and Ecosystem Management Branch incorporate information provided in the annual State of the Ocean publication to inform risk-based management decisions.

In addition, the publications address to a growing public interest in the state of the Northeast Pacific Ocean.


To develop a synopsis of the physical and biological state of the ocean off Canada’s Pacific coast in a workshop setting. Focusing on 2012, relevant scientific information will be provided in short (~15 minute) presentations followed by discussion. There will be one session focusing on West Coast of Vancouver Island.

Expected publications



State of the Oceans Annual Reports


Participation to CSAS peer review meetings is by invitation only.

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