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Terms of Reference

Assessment of Nova Scotia (4VWX) Snow Crab

Regional Peer Review - Maritimes Region

February 27-28, 2013
Dartmouth, Nova Scotia

Chairperson: Tana Worcester


The snow crab fishery on the Atlantic Scotian Shelf occurs annually throughout the year, dependent upon the Crab Fishing Area (CFA). In support of the fishery, DFO Maritimes Fisheries and Aquaculture Management Branch requests DFO Science Branch for an assessment of resource status and the consequences of various harvest levels for the coming fishing season. The current meeting is a scientific review of the assessment and projections undertaken in support of the 2013 fishery.


Assess the status of Atlantic Nova Scotia’s CFAs snow crab up to the end of 2012, using the following indicators:

Evaluate the consequences of different harvest levels during the 2013 fishery on stock abundance and exploitation rate.

Estimate by-catch of soft shell snow crab and non-snow crab species in the 2012 fisheries, as well as possible benthic impacts.

Describe any relevant predator/prey interactions.

Expected Publications



Participation to CSAS peer review meetings is by invitation only.

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