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Terms of Reference

Review of Assessment of Longnose Skate and Big Skate stocks in areas 4B, 3CD, 5AB and 5CDE in British Columbia

Regional Peer Review – Pacific Region

May 16, 2013
Nanaimo, British Columbia

Chairperson: Andrew Edwards


Longnose skate and Big skate are targeted species of commercial importance in the Canadian Pacific groundfish hook and line fleet and trawl fleet. Although a detailed ‘Phase 0’ assessment for these two skate species was completed in 2001, a full detailed stock assessment has never been done for Pacific stocks. Updated harvest advice is required to ascertain whether current harvest levels are sustainable and compliant with the Fishery Decision-making Framework Incorporating the Precautionary Approach (DFO 2009).

These species have been identified in the Halibut Marine Stewardship Council certification process as a significant component of the Halibut fleet catch. A risk-based assessment is therefore required to maintain certification.


Guided by the DFO Sustainable Fisheries Framework, particularly the Fishery Decision-making Framework Incorporating the Precautionary Approach (DFO 2009), meeting participants will review the working paper:

Big skate (Raja binoculata) and Longnose skate (R. rhina) stock assessments for British Columbia. King, J. Surry, M., Garcia, S. and Starr, P. CSAP Working Paper 2013/P25

The working paper will be used to provide advice with respect to the following objectives:

Expected Publications



DFO. 2009. A fishery decision-making framework incorporating the Precautionary Approach.


Participation to CSAS peer review meetings is by invitation only.

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