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Terms of Reference

Assessing Threats, Ecological Risk and Ecological Impacts

National Peer Review

May 29-31, 2013
Ottawa, ON

Co-Chairpersons: Christie Whelan and Simon Nadeau


The Minister of Fisheries and Oceans is the responsible Minister for aquatic species under the Species at Risk Act (SARA). There are three distinct components of the species at risk process that would benefit from a peer review. This review meeting aims at providing science advice on these components.

  1. Threats – For species assessed as Extirpated, Endangered or Threatened by COSEWIC (Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada), assessment and prioritization of threats to survival and recovery of the species needs to be provided in the Recovery Potential Assessment (RPA). This provides science advice to the department to aid in the development of Listing Decisions, Recovery Strategies and Actions Plans. Guidance is required on how to characterize and prioritize threats in a consistent and standardized manner.
  2. Ecological Risks – The Ecological Risk Criteria is part of the Risk–Based Listing Framework that is developed to facilitate the Listing Decision for species assessed as at risk by COSEWIC.  Guidance is needed on how to apply the Ecological Risk Criteria consistently throughout the Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO).
  3. Ecological Impacts - The department is legally required to assess and report on ecological impacts of Action Plans (SARA s.55) 5 years after the plan has been approved. The department is beginning to receive Action Plans for review and these generally lack a proper approach to evaluate ecological impacts. Guidance is required in order for Science to be prepared to assess ecological impacts of SARA Action Plans effectively and consistently throughout DFO.


  1. Threats
    • Review existing guidance pertaining to threats within the Recovery potential Assessment process.
    • Review tools available to assess, categorize and prioritize threats to species survival and recovery, including but not limited to: Natureserve/IUCN Threat calculator and British Columbia Ministry of the Environment threat spreadsheet.
    • Provide best practices for addressing threats to species survival and recovery in RPAs.

  2. Ecological Risks
    • Review the revised guidance pertaining to the Ecological Risk Criteria assessment tool and examples where the ecological risk assessment has been used by various regions.
    • Provide guidance on how to apply the Ecological Risk Criteria consistently and effectively throughout DFO.

  3. Ecological Impacts
    • Review how DFO has proposed to assess ecological impacts of Action Plans.
    • Provide recommendations on how DFO could pragmatically assess the ecological impacts of Action Plans.

Expected Publications



Participation to CSAS peer review meetings is by invitation only.

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