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Development of reference points for the precautionary approach for lobsters in Gaspé, Quebec (LFA 19, 20 and 21)

Regional Science Special Response Process – Quebec Region

November 21, 2013
Moncton, New Brunswick

Chair: Gérald Chaput


In 2012, reference points were established to support the development of a precautionary approach (PA) for lobster fishing in the Magdalen Islands (LFA 22), Quebec (DFO 2012; Gendron and Savard 2012). The development of reference points and the establishment of decision rules were a determining factor in obtaining ecocertification for this fishery by the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC). The Gaspé lobster fishing industry also wants to start an ecocertification process in the near future. Given the importance that MSC gives to the PA, and to facilitate obtaining it, Fisheries Management asked Sciences to prepare the key elements for developing the PA for the Gaspé lobster stock. The key elements required include identifying indicators, establishing reference points and developing decision rules. Sciences will review the approach prepared for the Magdalen Islands and apply this approach to the Gaspé lobster stock, ensuring that it complies with DFO's Fishery Decision-Making Framework (DMF) Incorporating the PA (DFO 2009) and the guidelines established for the presentation of scientific advice under the PA for invertebrates (Smith et al. 2012).


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Expected Publications



DFO. 2009. A Fishery Decision Making Framework Incorporating the Precautionary Approach. (Site consulted in August 2013.)

DFO. 2012. Assessment of Lobster Stocks of the Magdalen Islands (LFA 22), Quebec in 2011. DFO Can. Sci. Advis. Sec. Sci. Advis. Rep. 2012/012.

Gendron, L. and Savard, G. 2012. Lobster stock status in the coastal waters of Quebec (LFAs 15 to 22) in 2011 and determination of reference points for the implementation of a precautionary approach in the Magdalen Islands (LFA 22). DFO Can. Sci. Advis. Sec. Res. Doc. 2012/010. xvii+ 143 p.

Smith, S. J., H. Bourdages, J. Choi, E. Dawe, J. S. Dunham, L. Gendron, D. Hardie, M. Moriyasu, D. Orr, D. Roddick, D. Rutheford, B. Sainte-Marie, L. Savard, P. Shelton, D. Stansbury, M. J. Tremblay, and Z. Zhang. 2012. Technical Guidelines for the Provision of Scientific Advice on the Precautionary Approach for Canadian Fish Stocks: Section 7 – Invertebrate Species. DFO Can. Sci. Advis. Sec. Res. Doc. 2012/117. iv+30 p.


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