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Terms of Reference

Review of Framework and Assessment of LFA 41 (4X + 5Zc) Lobster

Regional Peer Review - Maritimes Region

December 3-4, 2013, and January 9, 2014
Dartmouth, Nova Scotia

Chairperson: Christie Whelan


Lobsters (Homarus americanus) are found in coastal waters from southern Labrador to Maryland, with the major fisheries concentrated around the Gulf of St. Lawrence and the Gulf of Maine. Though lobster are most common in coastal waters, they are also found in deeper, warm water areas of the Gulf of Maine and along the outer edge of the continental shelf from Sable Island to off North Carolina.

The status of the lobster fishing area (LFA) 41 offshore lobster resources in the Maritimes was last assessed in 2009. Indicators for lobster in LFA 41 are required to remain consistent with Fisheries and Oceans Canada’s (DFO) precautionary approach and for the evaluation and monitoring of the fishery.

Fisheries Management has asked DFO Maritimes Science to conduct an assessment on the status of offshore lobster in LFA 41 to establish the scientific basis for management advice in 2013/14.  An assessment framework (similar to the recent LFA 34-38 structure) is required to review current indices, where possible, in a manner consistent with the DFO precautionary approach.  The framework should include an evaluation and monitoring of the indicators and other events that could trigger an earlier than scheduled assessment.


Part 1 – Framework Review
Part 2 – Assessment

Expected Publications



Participation to CSAS peer review meetings is by invitation only.

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