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Terms of Reference

Framework for SFA 29 West of 65°30' Scallop

Regional Peer Review – Maritimes Region

February 5-6, 2014
Dartmouth, Nova Scotia

Chairperson: Christie Whelan


This scallop fishery has taken place in the portion of Scallop Fishing Area (SFA) 29 west of longitude 65°30'W (hereafter referred to as SFA 29 West) since 2001. Previous assessments have been based on commercial catch rates, research survey and total fishing effort.

The status of SFA 29 W scallops was last assessed in March 2013. In support of the 2014 fishery for SFA 29 W scallops, DFO Maritimes Fisheries Management has asked DFO Science for an assessment of resource status and the consequences of various harvest levels. An assessment Framework is required to establish the scientific basis for the provision of management advice in 2014. The assessment of the stock will be completed in March 2014, following the completion of the Framework.


Review the biology and ecology of Scallops in SFA29 W, including habitat, life history, growth, recruitment, and natural mortality.

Review the SFA 29 W fishery, including landings, effort and bycatch.

Summarize the monitoring of the fishery and stock status using commercial catch rates and the annual science survey.

Review the assessment methods using exploitation estimates and a habitat-based assessment model.

Update the stock status of SFA 29 W scallops with respect to the Precautionary Approach

Expected publications



Participation to CSAS peer review meetings is by invitation only.

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