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Maritimes Region River Herring Framework and Case Study Application to the Tusket River Fishery

Regional Peer Review – Maritimes Region

February 9-11, 2016
Dartmouth, NS

Chairperson: Mark Showell


Alewife (Alosa psuedoharengus) and blueback herring (Alosa aestevalis) are collectively known as river herring. These diadromous species return to the majority of river systems in Nova Scotia and Southwest New Brunswick and are fished together. The fishery is geographically widespread, with fishing practices and gear types that differ among rivers, and is managed through effort controls. The last river herring assessment in the Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) Maritimes Region was for alewife in the Gaspereau River in 2007 (DFO 2007). There has not been a region-wide assessment since 2001 (DFO 2001). Towards the goal of developing an ongoing river herring assessment program in the region, science advice is being sought with respect to: 1) how best to monitor abundance of river herring stocks; 2) how best to evaluate the effects of their fisheries; and 3) how best to determine reference points that can be used to evaluate the status of the populations and their fisheries. The advice should take into consideration the highly variable characteristics of the watersheds, their fisheries and the potential for data collection. The river herring fishery in the Tusket River and estuary was selected as a case study to be assessed using the proposed framework based on input from DFO Resource Management and DFO Fishery Protection Program requirements. It is expected that this framework will identify data deficiencies, monitoring and research requirements, and will identify uncertainties in providing robust advice on regional river herring assessments.


 Expected Publications



DFO. 2001. Gaspereau Maritime Provinces Overview. DFO Science Stock Status Report D3-17 (2001).

DFO. 2007. Assessment of Gaspereau River Alewife. DFO Can. Sci. Advis. Sec. Sci. Advis. Rep. 2007/030.

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