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Assessment of Incidental Catch in the Atlantic Canadian Swordfish/Other Tuna Longline Fishery

Regional Peer Review - Maritimes Region

February 24-25, 2016
Dartmouth, Nova Scotia

Chairperson: Kristian Curran


Incidental by-catch and discarding of non-targeted species occur in many fisheries. Discarding of targeted species also occurs for regulatory reasons or licence restrictions as, for example, undersized fish. An objective of sustainable fisheries management is to manage discard mortality for targeted species and to control the incidental mortality for non-targeted species. In the context of the longline fishery for Swordfish and other tunas (Bigeye Tuna, Yellowfin Tuna and Albacore) this requires a comprehensive plan for monitoring fishing activity, measuring the discard mortality, and establishing suitable references to indicate when that mortality is unacceptable.

Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) Resource Management, Maritimes Region, in conjunction with the DFO Science Branch, Maritimes Region, initiated the ‘Work Plan to Address Incidental Catch in the Atlantic Canadian Swordfish/Other Tuna Longline Fishery’. The comprehensive work plan consists of a number of projects with three main objectives:

  1. Examining appropriate levels of observer coverage;
  2. Managing discards for all targeted species; and
  3. Controlling incidental mortality for non-targeted species.

This science assessment meeting is a follow-up to a meeting previously held on this topic in July 2011 entitled ‘Incidental Catch in Canadian Large Pelagic Fisheries’ (DFO 2011).

The Work Plan focuses on seven species that are caught as incidental catches in the Swordfish/other tuna longline fishery: Bluefin Tuna, Porbeagle, Shortfin Mako, Blue Shark, Leatherback and Loggerhead turtles, and undersized Swordfish.


Expected Publications



DFO. 2011. Considerations for the Estimation of Incidental Catch in the Eastern CanadianSwordfish/Other Tunas Longline Fishery. DFO Can. Sci. Advis. Sec. Sci. Advis. Rep. 2011/057.

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