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Stock Framework for 4X5Y Haddock: Part 2 – Model

Regional Peer Review – Maritimes Region

April 26-27, 2016
St. Andrews, NB

Chairperson: Kirsten Clark


Haddock (Melanogrammus aeglefinus) are found on both sides of the North Atlantic. In the western Atlantic, they occur from southwest Greenland to Cape Hatteras. A major stock exists in the southern Scotian Shelf and Bay of Fundy area. The last assessment of Haddock was conducted in January 2012 (DFO 2012). A Sequential Population Analysis (SPA) model was attempted at that time, but a strong retrospective pattern and poor survey fit precluded its use for short-term projections. Given model uncertainties, a framework review was recommended. A first meeting, held in October 2014 at Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, reviewed the results of updated analyses on stock structure, spatial and temporal patterns in distribution, bycatch, biological attributes (i.e. length and weight at age, condition factor, and growth and maturity) and revisions/updates to data inputs for stock assessment (i.e. fishery catch at age, survey indices of abundance, relative fishing mortality, and total mortality) (Stone and Hansen 2015). In addition, the ADAPT Virtual Population Analysis (VPA) software was used to evaluate the impacts of revisions and modifications to the 4X5Y haddock data inputs on estimates of age 1 recruits, age 4+ population biomass, and ages 6-9 fishing mortality.


The objectives of this second meeting are to assess a model(s) to monitor stock status and productivity, including:

  1. Determine the methodology to estimate the current status of the stock, including methods for estimating stock size and fishing mortality.
  2. Determine the methodology to characterize stock productivity including reference points for fishing mortality and spawning stock biomass.
  3. Determine forecasting methodology for providing advice on harvest levels including the risk of falling below biological reference points.
  4. Provide guidance on inter-framework review activities, including the procedure and frequency of providing fisheries management advice and events that would trigger an earlier-than-scheduled assessment.

Expected Publications



DFO, 2012. Assessment of the Status of 4X5Y Haddock in 2011. DFO Can. Sci. Advis. Sec. Sci. Advis. Rep. 2012/023.

Stone, H.H., and S.C. Hansen. 2015. 4X5Y Haddock 2014 Framework Assessment: Data Inputs and Exploratory Modelling. DFO Can. Sci. Advis. Sec. Res. Doc. 2015/022. iv + 90 p.

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