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Terms of Reference

Evaluation of Information Available to Support the Identification of Habitat Necessary for the Survival and Recovery of Basking Shark

Science Response Process – Pacific Region

May 2016
Nanaimo, British Columbia

Chairperson: Tammy Norgard


When an aquatic species is listed on Schedule 1 of the Species at Risk Act (SARA) as Threatened, Endangered or Extirpated, Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) is required to identify and protect habitat required for the survival and recovery of the species, which is linked to the population and distribution objectives established in a species recovery strategy.  The identification is based on the best available information and is typically provided in the form of scientific advice (peer-reviewed research document and science advisory report).

Basking Shark are currently listed under SARA as an Endangered species and a Recovery Strategy was finalized in 2011. The Recovery Strategy notes that “Adequate information does not exist to identify critical habitat at this time” (p. iii). A schedule of studies was identified in the Recovery Strategy, outlining research required to contribute to the future identification of critical habitat, with the recognition that it “may take decades to address the issue of identifying critical habitat” (p. iii).

In support of the requirements under the SARA, DFO Science has been asked to undertake an assessment and update of the information available for Basking Shark, in support of a potential future habitat assessment based on the national Guidelines for the Identification of Critical Habitat for Aquatic Species at Risk (DFO 2015). This advice may be used to inform the identification of habitat for the survival and recovery of Basking Shark, and / or be used in an action plan for this species.


The specific objectives of this review are to:

  1. Present the best available information on the habitat necessary for survival and recovery of Basking Shark in Canadian Pacific waters, including progress updates with respect to the schedule of studies identified in the Recovery Strategy.
  2. Identify and describe gaps in data and knowledge that preclude full identification of habitat necessary for the survival and recovery of Basking Shark.
  3. Review the schedule of studies and provide advice on changes or additions to the schedule that would be necessary to address data gaps if possible.

Expected Publications



Fisheries and Oceans Canada. 2011. Recovery Strategy for the Basking Shark (Cetorhinus maximus) in Canadian Pacific Waters [Final]. Species at Risk Act Recovery Strategy Series. Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Ottawa. v + 25 pp.

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