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Update of indices of abundance to 2016 of four groundfish species (Atlantic cod 4TVn, American plaice 4T, White hake 4T, and Yellowtail flounder 4T) assessed and managed by DFO Gulf Region

Regional Science Response Process – Gulf Region

December 20, 2016
Moncton, New Brunswick

Chairperson: Gérald Chaput (DFO Gulf Region)


Full peer-reviewed stock assessments of groundfish species in the southern Gulf of St. Lawrence are now mostly conducted on a multi-year cycle. Monitoring continues on an annual basis. Indices of abundance from bottom trawl surveys with the research vessel in September and the sentinel fisheries surveys have been used to inform on the status of groundfish species in the southern Gulf of St. Lawrence (DFO 2016a).

DFO Fisheries and Aquaculture Management Branch requested an update of the indicators of abundance to 2016 for four groundfish species assessed and managed by DFO Gulf Region. Consistent with DFO (2016c), DFO (2016b) advised that for Atlantic cod, the agreed indicator value for 2016 would be assessed relative to the defined threshold value of the indicator for that stock to determine if a full stock assessment should be conducted earlier than the four-year multi-year implementation schedule of March 2018. For American plaice and Yellowtail flounder, the assessment of the indicator values relative to the thresholds will be provided in December 2018 whereas the indicators and thresholds to be used in the multi-year assessment cycle for Witch flounder and Winter flounder will be defined in the full assessments being conducted in February 2017.


The objective of the meeting is to review the indicators of abundance to 2016 for the following four species of groundfish in the Gulf of St. Lawrence:

Expected Publications

Expected Participation

References cited

DFO. 2016a. Updated indices of abundance to 2015 for stocks of six groundfish species assessed by DFO Gulf Region. DFO Can. Sci. Advis. Sec. Sci. Resp. 2016/016.

DFO. 2016b. Assessment of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) in the southern Gulf of St. Lawrence (NAFO Div. 4T-4Vn (Nov. – April)) to 2014. DFO Can. Sci. Advis. Sec. Sci. Advis. Rep. 2015/061.

DFO. 2016c. Guidelines for providing interim-year updates and science advice for multi-year assessments. DFO Can. Sci. Advis. Sec. Sci. Advis. Rep. 2016/020.

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