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Terms of Reference

Assessment of Eastern Beaufort Sea Beluga

Regional Peer Review – Central and Arctic Region

January 24–26, 2017
Inuvik, NT

Co-chairs: Garry Stenson and Joclyn Paulic


The Eastern Beaufort Sea beluga stock winters in the Bering Sea, and migrates annually to the Canadian Beaufort Sea region, aggregating in the Mackenzie Estuary during the month of July and dispersing to offshore habitats, Amundsen Gulf and beyond in August/September. There is an annual subsistence harvest of belugas by Inuvialuit beneficiaries in the Mackenzie Estuary, near Paulatuk and occasionally near Ulukhaktok and Sachs Harbour, NT. The stock was last assessed in 2000, at which time the stock was thought to be stable or increasing, and the harvest sustainable (DFO 2000). Since then many research programs have been undertaken in both Canada and Alaska to increase our collective knowledge about this stock, particularly in the western Canadian Arctic (e.g., beluga monitoring programs, Beaufort Sea Ecosystem Research Initiative [ERI], Beaufort Sea Regional Environmental Assessment [BREA]).

Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) Resource Management in conjunction with the Fisheries Joint Management Committee (FJMC) have requested information and advice on the overall health and current status of the Beaufort Sea beluga stock and an update on the sustainability of the local subsistence harvest.

DFO Science advice will be incorporated into the Beaufort Sea Beluga Management Plan and the Tarium Niryutait Marine Protected Area (TNMPA) management and monitoring plans. DFO Science advice will inform the development of the Anguniaqvia Niqiqyuam Area of Interest (ANAOI), Inuvialuit Inupiat Beaufort Sea Beluga Whale Commission, and other co-management organizations with a mandate to manage the harvest and health of Beaufort Sea belugas. Given that belugas are a transboundary species, information from this assessment will be shared between Canadian and American agencies and may be used in making management decisions, as agreed to in the Inuvialuit Inupiat Beaufort Sea Beluga Whale Agreement.


The objective of this meeting is to undertake a science-based peer review of all available information (i.e., scientific, local/traditional knowledge) relevant to the provision of advice on the current status and overall health of the Eastern Beaufort Sea beluga stock. Specifically, the meeting will address the following objectives:

  1. Evaluate status and trend of beluga harvests including trend in gender, distribution (location and timing of harvest), harvest rates (including struck and lost for Canada and Alaska, and harvest totals for Russia where/if available).
  2. Evaluate stock indicators (e.g., stock size, trend, age distribution, condition) and vital rates (e.g., reproductive rate, growth, mortality) to support this assessment of stock status and sustainability of the harvest.
  3. Review population genetics of Beaufort Sea beluga, specifically
    1. Review evidence of genetic structure within the population based upon recent studies using additional samples and new genetic markers.
    2. Assess temporal trends in genetic variation and stock structure over a 30-year period.
    3. Evaluate to what extent beluga kin-groups (based on genetic relatedness) are impacted by harvesting and/or ice-entrapment mortality.
  4. Evaluate current and historic patterns of habitat use.
  5. Identify important prey species of beluga and determine if the importance of any prey has changed over time.
  6. Evaluate current status of beluga health, condition and disease (e.g., exposure, burdens, infectious agents, contaminants, hormone levels, gene expression of health end-point receptors).
  7. Identify known and potential activities (e.g., industry, tourism) and stressors (e.g., changing sea ice, noise) with potential to affect Beaufort Sea belugas and their habitats.
  8. Summarize knowledge gaps and future monitoring and research needs (as identified during each of the above objectives).

Expected Publications

Expected Participation


DFO. 2000. Eastern Beaufort Sea Beluga. DFO Science Stock Status Report. E5-38.


Participation to CSAS peer review meetings is by invitation only.

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