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Terms of Reference

Potential Effects of the Construction of Terminals in the Saguenay Fjord on the St. Lawrence Beluga Whale and its Habitat

Regional Science Response Process - Quebec Region

January, 2018
Mont-Joli, Que

Chairperson: Charley Cyr


The construction of two new maritime terminals is planned upstream in the Saguenay fjord. There are plans to build a terminal on the north shore, in the Sainte-Rose-du-Nord sector (Saguenay Port Authority project), and a second, near the Grande-Anse maritime terminal in the Saguenay borough of La Baie (Énergie Saguenay project). The presence of these two terminals would increase the volume of maritime traffic on the Saguenay by 300 vessels, increasing the traffic in the Saguenay fjord from 225 vessels per year in 2016, to 525 per year, once the two terminals are in operation. By 2030, the increase in traffic expected at the Grande-Anse and Bagotville wharves would add another 110 vessels. The total of 635 vessels, or 1270 transits per year, corresponds to a 2.8-fold increase in the number of vessels navigating in the Saguenay.

The two new terminals would be constructed at the northern edge of the beluga distribution range in the St. Lawrence Estuary (SLE) in the Saguenay. To reach the new terminals, the vessels will inevitably have to cross habitats of great importance for the beluga, including its critical habitat as defined in the recovery strategy.

The Regional Ecosystems Management Branch (REMB) has sought advice from the Regional Science Branch (RSB) to assess the potential effects of maritime terminal construction projects in the Saguenay fjord on the St. Lawrence Estuary beluga whale, and its habitat.


More specifically, the REMB wants the RSB to answer the following questions:
Question 1. Indicate whether the increase associated with maritime traffic caused by the project(s) risks (conclude on the risk level as “none, low, or high”):

    1. harming belugas (individuals) and where applicable;
    2. endangering the survival or recovery of the beluga population;
    3. If relevant, specify which function of the life cycle will be affected and how, and during which period of the year; please mention if there are areas at greater risk.

Question 2. No mitigation measures that could be carried out by the proponent were presented in the impact study, apart from this proponent's participation in the Working Group on Marine Traffic and Protection of Marine Mammals in the Gulf of St. Lawrence (G2T3M) of the Navigation Coordination Committee of the St. Lawrence Action Plan. Please indicate which mitigation measures, where applicable, would avoid:

  1. endangering the survival or recovery of the beluga population; and
  2. harming belugas (individuals).
  3. Please indicate to what extent these mitigation measures would reduce the level of risk in (a) and (b) (conclude on the risk level as “none, low, or high”).

Question 3. Are there other marine mammal species in the Saguenay fjord and the St. Lawrence Estuary that are likely to be affected by the increase in maritime traffic caused by the project(s)?

  1. If yes, which species?
  2. Do the risk assessments and mitigation measures for the beluga apply to those species? If they do not, what would be the effects and the appropriate mitigation measures?

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