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Evaluation and interpretation of the results of striped bass studies, conducted by Englobe on behalf of the Québec Port Authority as part of the Beauport 2020 project

Regional Science Response Process - Quebec Region

March 22-23, 2018
Québec, Que

Chairperson: Charley Cyr


As part of an application for authorization under the Fisheries Act and the Species at Risk Act, in the context of a port expansion project, the Québec Port Authority (QPA) submitted to the Regional Ecosystem Management Directorate (REMB), in October 2017, a reportFootnote 1 summarizing the results obtained by the consultant Englobe mandated by the QPA. This report presents the results of studies conducted by Englobe on the striped bass (Morone saxatilis) in Beauport Bay from 2015 to 2017 and also provides an interpretation of these results.

The QPA hopes that the studies conducted between 2015 and 2017 by the consultant Englobe will feed the analysis to identify the critical habitat for the species in the St. Lawrence River as part of the development of the recovery strategy for the St. Lawrence River striped bass population.

The results of the report come from scientific studies on the following elements:

  1. telemetric monitoring of adult striped bass equipped with transmitters (2015 to 2017);
  2. tracking of spawning activity (2015 to 2017);
  3. environmental DNA surveys (2016 to 2017);
  4. simulation of egg drift.


The REMB would like to know if the methods used, the analyses, the results and the interpretation presented allow, with reasonable certainty:

  1. Confirmation of the conclusion regarding the presence of a spawning area at the mouth of the Etchemin River, based on environmental DNA (eDNA) surveys, indications of spawning activity by observation of jumps and splashing, and surveys of recreational fishers reporting catches of adult and juvenile striped bass during the breeding period;
  2. Confirmation that the results of telemetric monitoring carried out in the southwestern tip of Beauport Bay and a section of the St. Lawrence River extending as far as Lévis could contribute to modifying the area of the important breeding habitat, identified at the tip of the Québec Harbour peninsula (Beauport area), by the recovery strategy; taking into account that the currently designated area has already been identified as an important breeding area, as described in the recently published Science Advisory Report (DFO 2017);
  3. Confirmation that the hydrodynamic model used and the assumptions of the model are adequate for simulation of the drift of striped bass eggs and incorporate all the variables specific to the St. Lawrence River.

Expected Publication

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