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Terms of Reference

Review of the indicators and recommendations of an Ecological Monitoring Plan for the Banc-des-Américains proposed MPA

Regional Peer Review – Quebec Region

May 22 to 23, 2018
Mont-Joli, Quebec

Chairperson: Guy Cantin


The Banc-des-Américains Area of Interest (AOI) is currently being reviewed as a potential marine protected area (MPA). The Banc-des-Américains AOI is characterized by a submarine bank lying off the eastern tip of the Gaspé Peninsula in the Quebec portion of the Gulf of St. Lawrence which culminates at 12 metres deep and is surrounded by two deeper plains. The American Bank lies entirely within the 1,000 km2 Area of Interest. The Banc-des-Américains AOI is characterized by the diversity of its habitats, seasonal or year-round occurrence of many commercially important species and whales, the presence of species at risk, and a high diversity of benthic invertebrates.

The purpose of the proposed MPA is to promote the productivity and diversity of fishery resources in the American Bank and its adjacent plains, and to promote the recovery of species at risk.

The Oceans Management Branch has an obligation to assess the effectiveness of the management plan and the achievement of the MPA objectives, if it’s designated under the Oceans Act. Ecological monitoring is necessary to assess whether the management measures in place are adequate to achieve the conservation objectives. This review meets the Science sector commitment which aims to develop performance indicators for MPAs in Canada.

In June 2010, an Intersectoral Consultation Workshop on the Banc-des-Américains AOI identified conservation objectives and ecosystem components. The conservation objectives set in the Banc-des-Américains proposed MPA management plan are:


The objectives of the review are:

  1. To assess the ecosystem components chosen on the basis of conservation objectives and assess the indicators suggested for monitoring them;
  2. To assess the ecological monitoring plan proposed and to suggest, if necessary, other ways that these indicators could be monitored.

This review will propose an ecological monitoring plan that will become an integral part of the MPA's management plan.

Expected Publications

Expected Participation


Participation to CSAS peer review meetings is by invitation only.

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