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Terms of Reference

Northwest Atlantic Spiny Dogfish Framework Part 2: Review of Modeling Approaches and Assessment

Regional Advisory Process – Maritimes Region

June 27-28, 2018
Dartmouth, Nova Scotia

Chairperson: Kent Smedbol


The Northwest Atlantic Spiny Dogfish is a transboundary resource with significant catches in Canada and the United States (USA). The last DFO framework review and assessment of Northwest Atlantic Spiny Dogfish occurred in January and May 2014 using data up to 2010 (Fowler and Campana 2015). The accepted model was a forward-projecting stage-based, spatially explicit population dynamics model with two time steps. Efforts to incorporate more recent data into the framework model have not been successful.

Fisheries Management has requested annual updates for Northwest Atlantic Spiny Dogfish. DFO Science has determined that a new framework assessment is required to meet this request. The first part of this framework assessment, a review of data inputs, was held in September 2017. This second meeting addresses modelling approaches and provides advice to management on the Northwest Atlantic Spiny Dogfish stock.


The objectives of the Regional Advisory Process are to:

  1. Review the formulation of an assessment model for the northwest Atlantic stock which takes into account catch and abundance indices in Canada and the USA, as well as transboundary mixing.
  2. Review and update biological reference points for Northwest Atlantic Spiny Dogfish and evaluate the status of the stock up to 2015/16 in relation to these reference points.  Comment on the uncertainty and relative informative value of the candidate reference points.
  3. Apply the accepted framework assessment model, evaluate the consequences of different harvest levels over a 5-40 year time period on stock abundance and exploitation rate. 
  4. Provide recommendations on the schedule for ongoing assessment of Northwest Atlantic Spiny Dogfish. Outline a process and guidelines for the monitoring of indicators and other events (e.g., decision rules) that could trigger an earlier than scheduled assessment. 

Expected Publications

Expected Participation


Fowler, G.M., and Campana, S.E. 2015. Framework Assessment and 2013 Update Using a Stage-based Population Model for Spiny Dogfish (Squalus acanthias) in the Northwest Atlantic. DFO Can. Sci. Advis. Sec. Res. Doc. 2015/065.


Participation to CSAS peer review meetings is by invitation only.

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