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Terms of Reference

Guidelines on Priorities, Monitoring, and Provision of Science Advice for Small-Scale Fisheries in the Maritimes Region

Regional Peer Review – Maritimes Region

August 21-22, 2018
Dartmouth, Nova Scotia

Chairperson: Tana Worcester


Small-scale fisheries include stocks being targeted by regular commercial fisheries where the value and/or volume of landings of that stock are small relative to other fisheries. In the Maritimes Region, Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) Science does not conduct stock assessments for many of these stocks, and the fishing industry is expected to take a greater role in monitoring and assessment. This category also includes stocks being developed under DFO’s New Emerging Fisheries Policy. In the absence of stock assessments conducted by DFO, there is a need to ensure that sufficient information is available to assess and mitigate risk to these stocks.

DFO Science and Resource Management have expressed interest in reviewing how DFO Science might provide advice on small-scale fisheries and/or support the fishing industry in developing science information on these stocks. Additionally, Resource Management has requested advice from Science on minimum monitoring requirements for small-scale fisheries in order to assess risk.


  1. Develop a risk framework for small-scale fisheries that can be used as a basis for priority setting within Science and Resource Management.
  2. Review and provide recommendations for improvements to the Maritimes Region policy and procedures for the provision of science advice for small-scale fisheries.
  3. Outline what support DFO can provide to industry to develop monitoring or assessment frameworks
  4. Provide recommendations for using the Risk Framework for Science Advice to Resource Management.
  5. Provide advice on minimum monitoring requirements for small-scale fisheries.

Expected Publications

Expected Participation


Participation to CSAS peer review meetings is by invitation only.

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