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Terms of Reference

Biophysical and Ecological Overview of the Fundian Channel-Browns Bank Area of Interest

Regional Peer Review Process – Maritimes Region

November 27-29, 2018
Dartmouth, Nova Scotia

Chairperson: Tana Worcester


The Government of Canada has agreed to a suite of international biodiversity conservation goals and targets (the Convention on Biological Diversity 2011-2020 Strategic Plan for Biodiversity’s Aichi Targets) and adopted complementary domestic 2020 Biodiversity Goals and Targets for Canada. Both international and domestic targets (Aichi Target 11 and Canada’s Target 1) call for the conservation of 10% of coastal and marine areas by 2020. Further, to highlight these targets as a priority, the Government of Canada identified an interim target of 5% protection by 2017, which was achieved in the fall of 2017.

The designation of new Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) in Canadian waters has been identified as one part of the national strategy to meet these targets. Under the Oceans Act, Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) is authorized to protect selected coastal and ocean areas through the establishment of MPAs, where the identification of an Area of Interest (AOI) is the first step in this process. The Fundian Channel-Browns Bank area was announced as an AOI on March 22, 2018. It was identified, in part, through an MPA network design analysis for the Scotian Shelf Bioregion that considered available ecological and economic information. Discussions with other government agencies, Frist Nations and Indigenous groups and key stakeholders also informed the selection of this AOI.

Within the context of the emerging MPA network, the Fundian Channel-Browns Bank AOI encompasses many of the conservation priorities that have been identified for the Scotian Shelf Bioregion (DFO 2018). Some of the most notable ecological features for this site are: significant concentrations of gorgonian corals (e.g., bubblegum coral); significant concentrations of sponges; areas of high diversity and productivity for fish and invertebrate species, including larvae; important foraging habitat for various seabird species; and distinctive oceanographic processes, such as upwelling that creates unique ecological conditions. This area also includes a migratory corridor to and from the Gulf of Maine and has been noted to include habitat for a variety of species of concern including Atlantic cod (Endangered – COSEWIC), Atlantic wolffish (Special Concern – SARA), cusk (Endangered – COSEWIC), spiny dogfish (Special Concern – COSEWIC), smooth skate (Special Concern – COSEWIC), thorny skate (Special Concern – COSEWIC), and white hake (Threatened – COSEWIC). Another defining ecological characteristic of this AOI is the wide range of habitats it spans, including bank, basin, channel, shelf edge and upper slope habitats.

The identification of MPA AOIs is a first step in the assessment process that supports decisions toward formal MPA designations. Once an AOI is identified, more detailed information on the key biophysical and ecological attributes of the area is required, especially as it pertains to potential conservation priorities and their linkages to other key ecosystem components and processes. A review of available scientific knowledge will provide details on these conservation priorities and may also serve to highlight additional important ecological features in the area. The biophysical and ecological overview will assist in formulating and/or refining conservation objectives, delineating the proposed MPA boundary (and zones if required), and completing an ecological risk analysis to inform the development of the regulatory approach for the MPA. The information contained within will also inform subsequent advice on monitoring protocols and strategies, identification of information gaps requiring further research, and the development of a management plan for the area.

Areas adjacent to the proposed AOI may need to be considered in this exercise to capture the necessary breadth and scope of the various components of the ecosystem. This AOI includes two geographically separate components. The western section is centered on Georges Basin while the larger eastern section encompasses the Fundian Channel (also known as the Northeast Channel) and part of Browns Bank. Given the geographic scale at which scientific information is collected and reported, the study for this overview is the southwestern Scotian Shelf with specific focus on the Northeast Channel, Browns Bank, Georges Bank and Georges Basin, within a buffer of the AOI boundaries.

The Ecosystems Management Sector of DFO has requested DFO Science provide advice and supporting document(s) through this Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat Regional Peer Review to inform the establishment of the Fundian Channel-Browns Bank AOI as an MPA.  The Ecosystems Management Sector will be conducting consultations concerning the MPA establishment process in 2018 and 2019.


The working paper(s) will be reviewed and provide the basis for discussion and advice on the specific objectives outlined below:

  1. Evaluate, describe and map, where possible, the identified conservation priorities and other key biophysical and ecological features of the study area, including:  
    • predominant and/or unique physical and biological oceanographic characteristics;
    • predominant, unique, and/or sensitive habitat features; and
    • ecologically, socially/culturally and/or commercially significant species; depleted species; and marine mammals, marine turtles, and marine birds.

    Where appropriate, identify relevance of the study area to the life histories of species of interest, species distribution and abundance (and status and trends where available), and the local abiotic and biotic factors influencing these.

  2. Identify known sensitivities, resilience, and recoverability of habitats and species of interest within the study area. 
  3. Identify key uncertainties and knowledge gaps as it pertains to the current understanding of the existing environment and species of interest within the study area, and recommend measures to address these gaps, where possible.
  4. Where appropriate, based on the best available science, recommend the addition or removal of conservation priorities within the study area.

Expected Publications

Expected Participation


DFO. 2018. Design Strategies for a Network of Marine Protected Areas in the Scotian Shelf Bioregion. DFO Can. Sci. Advis. Sec. Sci. Advis. Rep. 2018/006.


Participation to CSAS peer review meetings is by invitation only.

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