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Terms of Reference

Review of Existing Scientific Literature to Determine the Level of Fish Mortality and Potential Impacts on Fish Populations as a result of the Operation of the Annapolis Tidal Power Facility

Regional Science Response Process – Maritimes Region

January 9-10, 2019
Dartmouth, Nova Scotia

Chairperson: Jennifer Ford


The Annapolis Tidal Generating Station (TiGS) is located in the Annapolis River estuary, at Annapolis Royal, Nova Scotia, Canada, and has been in operation since 1984. This station was constructed to test the feasibility of using the Straflo turbine in marine environments in anticipation of larger scale tidal generating development in the upper Bay of Fundy.

The operation of the Annapolis River tidal turbine is known to cause mortality of some fish migrating upstream and downstream on the Annapolis River, and there is potential for these mortalities to have population-level effects.

A better understanding of the impact of the Annapolis TiGS on fish populations is required to determine whether the current operation of the Annapolis River tidal turbine is in compliance with habitat protection provisions of the Fisheries Act and/or the Species at Risk Act.


Review the existing scientific literature to determine the level of fish mortality and potential impacts on fish populations as a result of the operation of the Annapolis TiGS. The objective of the review is to determine whether the ongoing operation of the tidal turbine at Annapolis River is resulting in fish mortality (including marine mammals), and if so, whether this mortality is having population level effects on fish utilizing the Annapolis River Estuary. Specifically:

  1. Provide a description of the Annapolis TiGS including its size and capacity, its operation, fish passage facilities, etc., sufficient as background to the literature review.
  2. Provide a description of the search effort to identify the relevant literature. Provide a list of publications and identify any that were not included in the review. 
  3. Describe the fish community in the vicinity of the TiGS. To the extent known, include information about their abundance, life history, life stages present in the vicinity of the TiGS, their susceptibility to turbine mortality, their resiliency to increased mortality rates, whether the fish are migratory, resident or transient, the months they are present in the vicinity of the TiGS, whether the Annapolis River and/or estuary supports a population of the species, their status, and whether the species directly or indirectly supports aboriginal, commercial or recreational fisheries.
  4. Provide a summary and critical review of scientific literature pertaining to fish passage utilization for species identified under Objective 3.
  5. Provide a summary and critical review of scientific literature pertaining to fish mortality studies undertaken at the TiGS. Include other evidence of mortality, as appropriate. Include specific mortality rates if available. Describe whether the studies fully characterize the population-level annual mortality rates (e.g. immediate versus delayed mortality; effects of multiple passes, etc.).
  6. Provide a summary of scientific literature pertaining to population-level changes (such as changes to population size and/or structure) that have occurred coincident to the construction and operation of the TiGS. To the extent possible, determine if they are consistent with the mortality rates identified under Objective 5.
  7. Provide a summary and critical review of fish diversion studies undertaken at the Annapolis TiGS. Include estimates of their effectiveness for the species identified under ToR 3.
  8. For key species identified in Objective 3, provide recommendations for further research to address any information gaps identified in previous meeting objectives.

Expected Publications


Participation to CSAS peer review meetings is by invitation only.

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