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Stock Status Update of Offshore Scallop: Browns Bank North and Georges Bank 'a'

Regional Science Response Process – Maritimes Region

April 9, 2019 Dartmouth, NS

Chairperson: Lottie Bennett


The purpose of this science response process is to update the stock status of offshore scallop on Browns Bank North and Georges Bank 'a'. The last full assessment of these stocks was in 2013 (DFO 2013a,b; Hubley et al. 2013) and the last updates were conducted in 2018 (DFO 2018a,b). The assessment and advice presented in the Browns Bank North update uses the framework established in 2011;?"lops on Browns Bank North (Scallop Fishing Area 26) and Georges Bank 'a' (Scallop Fishing Area 27) in relation to established reference points, where available.

Expected Publication




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