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Review of monitoring activities in the Basin Head Marine Protected Area in the context of their effectiveness in evaluating attainment of conservation objectives

Regional Peer Review – Gulf Region

June 11-12, 2019
Charlottetown, PEI

Chairperson: Rémi Sonier


Basin Head Marine Protected Area was established in October 2005. As indicated in the Management Plan, the purpose of the MPA designation is to protect and conserve this unique strand of Irish moss and it’s habitat (i.e the Basin Head ecosystem). The characteristics of Irish moss in the Basin Head lagoon which make it distinctive include the complete dependence on asexual fragmentation for dispersion and multiplication, the dependence upon Blue Mussels for substrate attachment, the frond shape and the sustained seasonal colouration. It also is significantly larger and has a higher carrageenan yield than the outer coastal Irish moss. The characteristics are defined by the environmental conditions in the lagoon but may also have a genetic basis (this is under investigation).

When last assessed, the Irish moss biomass in Basin Head lagoon had declined by more than 99% over the period of 1980 to 2008 (DFO 2009a). The area of Northeast Arm occupied by Irish moss clumps had also been greatly reduced. Eutrophication of the lagoon and its associated consequences including increases in intensity and spatial coverage of green alga blooms, degradation of biological material resulting in anoxic conditions in portions of the basin and the Northeast Arm, and production of toxic materials (hydrogen sulfide, ammonium) were considered to be contributing to the stressful conditions encountered by Irish moss in Basin Head lagoon. The invasion of Green Crab and its intensive predation on Blue Mussel which anchors the moss, was also considered an important stressor to Irish moss and the Basin Head ecosystem (DFO 2009a). Recent research indicates that sedimentation caused by erosion of land in the watershed has caused infilling and shallowing of the estuary. High summer water temperatures and deposition of organic debris released from eroding salt marsh edges are additional stressors.

The MPA Management Plan provides information on the MPA regulations and associated regulatory measures as well as specific conservation objectives for the MPA. Regulations under the Oceans Act are in place to manage activities in Basin Head. These include a general prohibition against the disturbance, damage, destruction or removal of any living marine organism or any part of its habitat within zone 1 (the inner channel) of the MPA since it provides the unique and only habitat for Irish moss within this ecosystem. The regulation also includes exemption to some activities in Zone 2 (the main basin and entrance channel of the lagoon) and zone 3 (the outer coastal zone) which act as buffer zones to provide additional protection. The achievement of the MPA conservation objectives will be realized through the implementation of the MPA regulations and the accompanying MPA management plan. The plan also provides other key elements that support the achievement of the MPA conservation objectives such as governance structure, roles and responsibilities, monitoring and research guidance, enforcement and compliance, information on public awareness and education (DFO 2009b, 2016).

Four conservation objectives have been defined for the Basin Head Marine Protected Area (DFO 2009b):

Research and monitoring programs were identified and put in place in Basin Head for each of the conservation objectives (DFO 2016). Monitoring activities have included assessments of the abundance and distribution of Irish moss (Chondrus crispus), assessment of blooms of green algae (Ulva lactuca), water quality indicators and monitoring of fish and crustaceans (Sharp et al. 2003, Theriault and Courtenay 2010). In recent years, some activities have been initiated to restore Irish moss in Basin Head including artificial propagation, restoration of eelgrass, and removal of green crab.

DFO Gulf Region Oceans Management Division is requesting a review and assessment of the monitoring activities undertaken in Basin Head over the last decade to determine their effectiveness in providing the information needed to evaluate whether the conservation objectives are being met. The information will also be used to update the Basin Head Operational Management Plan as well as to develop a long term monitoring plan necessary for evaluating the impact of restoration activities.


For each of the conservation objectives defined in the Basin Head Operational Management Plan, assess whether:

Relative to the restoration efforts undertaken (moss restoration, eelgrass restoration, green crab removal), assess whether:

Expected Publications

Expected Participation


DFO. 2009a. Ecological Assessment of Irish Moss (Chondrus Crispus) in Basin Head Marine Protected Area. DFO Can. Sci. Advis. Sec. Sci. Advis. Rep. 2008/059.

DFO. 2009b. Operational Management Plan, Basin Head Marine Protected Area. Oceans and Habitat Branch, Gulf Region. Cat. No. Fs 119/2009E. 34p. incl. annexes.

DFO 2016. Basin Head Marine Protected Area: 2014 Operational Management Plan. Basin Head Management Series. 2016/01: viii + 40p.

Sharp, G.R., Connolly, K., Blok, R., Audet, D., Cairns, D., and Courtenay, S. 2003. Ecological assessment of the Basin Head lagoon: A proposed Marine Protected Area. Can. Manuscr. Rep. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 2641, 69 p.

Thériault, M.-H., and Courtenay, S. 2010. Overview analyses of the Community Aquatic Monitoring Program (CAMP) in the Basin Head Lagoon from 2002 to 2008. DFO Can. Sci. Advis. Sec. Res. Doc. 2010/001. iv + 34 p.


Participation to CSAS peer review meetings is by invitation only.

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