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Terms of Reference

Review of Approaches for Marine Conservation Network Monitoring

National Peer Review - National Capital Region

September 10-12, 2019
Montreal, QC

Chairperson: Tana Worcester


Canada has both national and international commitments to establishing a national conservation network of marine protected areas (MPAs) and other effective area-based conservation measures (OECMs). Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) considers a conservation network a collection of MPAs and OECMs that operate cooperatively to safeguard important ecological components of the ocean and marine biodiversity as a whole. Effective networks can enhance the contributions of individual MPAs and OECMs to achieve positive ecological outcomes that translate into economic, social and cultural benefits. The primary goal of marine conservation networks is to provide long-term protection of marine biodiversity, ecosystem function and special natural features in each of these regions.

DFO is responsible for coordinating the development of marine conservation network designs for each of Canada’s 13 bioregions. Conservation network planning is currently underway in five priority bioregions. Specific objectives for each bioregional network differ according to the unique physical, ecological and biological attributes of the area.

Marine conservation networks have defined conservation objectives, which describe the outcomes expected if they are successfully designed and managed. These objectives must address the concepts of biodiversity, ecosystem function, and special natural features. A marine conservation network’s design features give it a high likelihood of delivering these objectives. The design features are based on replication, connectivity among MPAs and OECMs, and representativity. Indicators will be used to monitor operational conservation objectives. Previous CSAS advice provided preliminary, high-level recommendations on the selection of indicators and guidance on the development of monitoring protocols and strategies (DFO 2013).

In anticipation of these networks being implemented, and building off of previous advice, the Oceans Management program has requested guidance on the development of a national science framework and common indicators to enable the future monitoring and evaluation of the effectiveness of bioregional marine conservation networks in achieving their stated objectives.


This advisory process will:

  1. Provide guidance on what constitutes marine conservation network ecological monitoring. This will include information on how to develop and implement a network monitoring framework that allows the detection of changes in the ecosystem over time;
  2. Provide advice on approaches for assessing the incorporation of design features (replication, representativity, and connectivity) in marine conservation network designs; and
  3. Provide advice on indicators and indicator types to support the evaluation of the effectiveness of a marine conservation network in meeting its conservation objectives. This advice will further enhance previous recommendations (DFO 2013) on the identification of indicators by providing guidance on protocols and strategies for their selection.

Expected Publications

Expected Participation


DFO. 2013. Guidance on the Formulation of Conservation Objectives and Identification of Indicators, Monitoring Protocols and Strategies for Bioregional Marine Protected Area Networks. DFO Can. Sci. Advis. Sec. Sci. Advis. Rep. 2012/081.


Participation to CSAS peer review meetings is by invitation only.

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