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Terms of Reference

Coral and Sponge Mitigations in Relation to Exploratory Drilling Programs in the Newfoundland and Labrador Region

Regional Peer Review – Newfoundland and Labrador Region

January 28-30, 2020
St. John’s, NL

Co-Chairs: Robyn Jamieson and Sara Lewis


The Fish and Fish Habitat Protection Program (FFHPP) of the Ecosystems Management Branch (EMB) of the Department Fisheries and Oceans, Canada (DFO) evaluates proposed works, undertakings and activities (WUA) that may affect fish and fish habitat and provides advice to proponents to enable them to avoid and mitigate the impacts of WUAs (DFO 2019). FFHPP provides expert advice to the Impact Assessment Agency of Canada (IA Agency) under section 20 of the Impact Assessment Act (IAA)2, as well as the Canada-Newfoundland Offshore Petroleum Board (C-NLOPB) Memorandum of Understanding between C-NLOPB and DFO during the review of oil and gas activities. Exploratory drilling programs including the drilling, testing, and abandonment of offshore exploratory wells have the potential to affect corals and sponges through certain activities, including drilling of the well(s) and the release of discharges such as drill cuttings and muds. For such activities, DFO provides advice pertaining to benthic characterization, effects assessment, mitigation measures and follow-up monitoring requirements.

FFHPP is seeking scientific advice on the mitigation of harmful impacts on corals and sponges during exploratory drilling programs in offshore Newfoundland and Labrador. The advice generated from this Regional Peer Review Process will be used in the development of Newfoundland and Labrador best management practices to support these reviews. Information gathered will also identify gaps where further research is required.


The objectives of the science peer review meeting are to characterize potential impacts of exploratory drilling programs, including the drilling, testing and abandonment of offshore exploratory wells on corals and sponges in offshore Newfoundland and Labrador, and techniques/methods to avoid or mitigate potential impacts. More specifically, the objectives are:

  1. Provide a summary of coral and sponge species that are currently known to be present in offshore NL, including but not limited to: species list, distribution and biomass, habitat requirements, and sensitivities.
  2. Provide descriptions of exploratory drilling activities, including the drilling, testing and abandonment of offshore exploratory wells, with the potential to impact corals and sponges (e.g., anchors, discharges),. Descriptions should include classification of types (e.g., burial) and severity (e.g., temporal and spatial scales) of potential impacts associated with each activity.
  3. Provide a summary of the potential impacts of exploratory drilling activities (e.g., direct physical contact of any sub-sea infrastructure, sedimentation etc.) on corals and sponges (e.g., growth, injury, mortality) around NL and the world. If information at the species level does not exist for NL or worldwide, the impacts on other species of similar structure should be used as proxies. Such gaps and generalizations must be acknowledged.
  4. Recommend methods/techniques for pre-drill surveys (e.g., DNV 2013) to characterize corals and sponges in the vicinity of exploratory drilling activities (e.g., baseline information, technologies, survey designs, impact thresholds) based on knowledge of species/taxa known in NL waters. Describe relevance of methods/techniques to the NL offshore environment. For relevant methods/techniques, develop pros and cons and compare and contrast various options. Describe effectiveness and lessons learned from the application of methods/techniques in the NL offshore and elsewhere.
  5. Recommend measures to avoid and mitigate impacts to corals and sponges from exploratory drilling programs (e.g., DNV 2013). Describe relevance of measures to the NL offshore environment.
  6. Recommend methods/techniques for monitoring and follow-up regarding impacts on corals and sponges from exploratory drilling programs (e.g., DNV 2013). Describe relevance of methods/techniques to the NL offshore environment. For relevant methods/techniques, develop pros and cons and compare and contrast various options.

Expected Publications

Expected Participation


DNV 2013. Guideline – Monitoring of Drilling Activities in Areas with Presence of Cold Water Corals. Report No./DNV Reg No.: 2012-1691/12NCQKD-2 Rev 01, 2013-01-15.

DFO 2019. Fish and Fish Habitat Protection Policy Statement.


Participation to CSAS peer review meetings is by invitation only.

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