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Terms of Reference

Review of Three Marine Harvest Atlantic Canada Aquaculture Siting Baseline Assessments, Chaleur Bay, Newfoundland

Regional Science Response Process - Newfoundland & Labrador Region

August 5-7, 2020
Virtual meeting

Chairperson: Keith Clarke


Marine Harvest Atlantic Canada (MHAC) has applied for three Atlantic salmon aquaculture licenses in Chaleur Bay located on the south coast of Newfoundland. The Proponent’s site applications were submitted to the Province and referred to Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) for siting advice. In accordance with the Aquaculture Activities Regulations (AARs), the Proponent has submitted a Baseline Assessment Report for each site that includes modelling of the dispersal of waste from site operations, including the predicted contours of biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) at peak biomass.


To help inform the review of the three MHAC site applications, the Regional Aquaculture Management Office has requested Science to provide advice based on the following questions:

  1. Based on the available data for the site and scientific information, what is the expected exposure zone from the use of approved fish health treatment products in the marine environment and the predicted consequences to susceptible species?
  2. Based on available data, what are the species at risk, commercial, recreational, or Aboriginal (CRA) species, or Environmentally Significant Species (ESS), Ecologically and Biologically Sensitive Areas (EBSAs) and their associated habitats, within the predicted benthic exposure zone, that are vulnerable to exposure from the deposition of organic matter? How does this compare to the extent of these species and habitats in the surrounding area (i.e., are they common or rare)?What are the anticipated impacts to these sensitive species and habitats from the proposed aquaculture activity?
  3. To support the analysis of risk of entanglement with the proposed aquaculture infrastructure, which pelagic aquatic species at risk make use of the area, and for what duration and when?
  4. Which populations of conspecifics are within a geographic range where escapes are likely to migrate? What are the size and status trends of those conspecific populations in the escape exposure zone for proposed site? Are any of these populations listed under Schedule 1 of Species At Risk Act (SARA)?

Expected Publication

Expected Participation


Participation to CSAS peer review meetings is by invitation only.

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