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Proceedings 2014/011

Proceedings of the Regional Peer Review Process for the Recovery Potential Assessment for Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar), Southern Newfoundland Designatable Unit (DU); February 14-16, 2012

Chairperson: Ben Davis
Editor: Lee Sheppard


In 2010, Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar L.) in rivers within Salmon Fishing Areas (SFAs) 9-12 along the south coast of Newfoundland were concluded to comprise a Designatable Unit (DU), called the South Newfoundland DU, and the population was assessed as threatened by the Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada (COSEWIC; COSEWIC 2010). The Committee identified 16 DUs of Atlantic Salmon with the South Newfoundland population representing DU 4. The DU 4 assessment was based on an estimated important decline in abundance from 1997 to 2007.

A regional advisory process (RAP) meeting was held on February 14-16, 2012 at the Comfort Inn in St. John’s, Newfoundland to peer-review information relevant to the recovery potential assessment (RPA) of Atlantic Salmon in the South Newfoundland DU.

The objective of the meeting was to assess the recovery potential of Atlantic Salmon in the South Newfoundland DU. Historic population abundances and trajectories and projections were presented. Population projections were conducted to assess population size after 15 years or three generations in DU 4. The meeting also addressed the major threats to the survival and recovery of South Newfoundland Atlantic Salmon and the limiting factors.

The meeting included participants from Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) Sectors (Science, Ecosystem and Fisheries Management, and Policy and Economics), Aboriginal Groups, Provincial Government representatives, Academia, non-governmental organizations, and stakeholders.

This proceedings report summarizes the relevant discussions and presents the key conclusions reached at the peer review meeting and will be published on the Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat’s (CSAS) Website. The details and conclusions of the RPA are provided in a Science Advisory Report (SAR), and supporting information and analyses are detailed in a CSAS Research Document.

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