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Proceedings 2014/017

Proceedings of the National Peer Review on the Risk Assessment for ship-mediated introductions of aquatic nonindigenous species to Canada (Part 1 and 2); March 25-27, 2013 (Part 1) and June 19-21, 2013 (Part 2)

Chairperson: Patrice Simon and Darlene Smith
Editors: Becky Cudmore and Bethany Schroeder


A national risk assessment for introduction of aquatic nonindigenous species to Canada by ballast water was held March 25-27 and June 19-21, 2013 in Burlington, Ontario. This national peer review process, under the auspices of the Department of Fisheries and Ocean’s Centre of Expertise on Aquatic Risk Assessment (CEARA), was held to provide science advice to Transport Canada in support of revisions to current Ballast Water Control and Management Regulations. The specific questions posed by Transport Canada were:

This national risk assessment process was the final in a series of three processes to address the above questions. The first two peer review meetings were held March 2011 and March 2012 to address questions with respect to the Arctic and Great Lakes as well as Pacific and Atlantic Regions of Canada, respectively. The national risk assessment focused on pathways whereas the regional risk assessments were port-based. Participants at this meeting included DFO Science, Transport Canada experts from Marine Safety and Policy, academia and industry. Publications resulting from this process include a Science Advisory Report, a Research Document and these proceedings.

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