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Proceedings 2014/018

Proceedings of the regional science peer review of the freshwater Ecologically and Biologically Significant Areas and Ecologically Significant Species criteria assessment;  November 19-20, 2013

Chairperson: Lynn Bouvier
Editor: Lynn Bouvier and Robert Randall


A regional Science peer-review meeting was held on 19-20 November 2013 in Burlington, Ontario. The purpose of the meeting was to assess how effectively the criteria used to identify Ecologically and Biologically Significant Areas (EBSA) and Ecologically Significant Species (ESS) in marine ecosystems could be applied to freshwater. Bay of Quinte in Lake Ontario was used as a case study.

The Science Advisory Report will provide the information and scientific advice that may be used by Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) to help identify and manage ecologically sensitive freshwater habitats and fish species. It will also list the current knowledge gaps and the future scientific research that is needed to support the identification of significant habitat and species in freshwater systems.

Meeting participants included experts from DFO and the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources. This proceedings report summarizes the relevant discussions from the peer-review meeting and presents revisions to be made to the associated research documents. It will be published in the Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat (CSAS) Proceedings Series on the CSAS website. The working papers presented at the workshop will be published as CSAS Research Documents. The advice from the meeting will be published as a CSAS Science Advisory Report.

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