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Proceedings 2014/043

Proceedings of the regional workshop for the Lake Ontario Ecosystem Research Initiative (ERI); March 30–31, 2009

Chairperson: Bob Randall and Marten Koops


The Lake Ontario Ecosystem Research Initiative (LO-ERI) is a multi-disciplinary, collaborative ecosystem-based approach (EBA) that will focus integrated research on the nearshore areas of Lake Ontario’s ecosystem. Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) organized and conducted a 2-day workshop in Burlington, Ontario, March 30-31, 2009, to help plan the work of the LO-ERI with DFO’s partners and collaborators. Thirty-one participants represented DFO Central & Arctic Science, DFO Fish Habitat Management, DFO’s Canadian Hydrographic Service, Environment Canada, the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources, the Ontario Ministry of the Environment, and members of academia from Canada and the US. The workshop consisted of 11 presentations on current Lake Ontario nearshore activities and issues by various researchers;

  1. presentation on the objectives and initial scope of the LO-ERI, and
  2. discussion periods with breakout groups, each followed by a plenary session with all participants together.

The workshop achieved its aims – it developed a list of issues and stressors affecting the nearshore zone of Lake Ontario, identified current research activities occurring in the nearshore zone of Lake Ontario, identified and reviewed potential research activities to help address the goals of the LO-ERI, and developed partnerships for collaborative research and funding.

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