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Proceedings 2015/021

Proceedings of the Pacific regional peer review on Estimates of a Biologically-Based Spawning Goal and Biological Benchmarks for the Canadian-Origin Taku River Coho Stock Aggregate; November 3-4, 2014

Chairperson: Dr. Jeffrey Lemieux
Editor: Louise de Mestral Bezanson


These Proceedings summarize the relevant discussions and key conclusions that resulted from a Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO), Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat (CSAS) Regional Peer Review meeting on November 3rd and 4th, 2014, at the Nanaimo Conference Centre in Nanaimo, B.C.. One working paper focusing on estimates of spawning goals and benchmarks for Canadian-origin Taku River Coho Salmon was presented for peer review.

In-person and web-based participation included Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) Science (Yukon, Lower Mainland and North Coast offices), US Governmental representatives (Alaska Department of Fish and Game), First Nations groups and representatives (Taku River Tlingit First Nation, Lower Fraser Fisheries Alliance, Fraser River Aboriginal Fisheries Secretariat), as well as consultants (Solv Consulting, Vancouver).

The conclusions and advice resulting from this review will be provided in the form of one Science Advisory Report (SAR) providing advice to the Transboundary Panel (Canada and USA) formed under the Pacific Salmon Treaty to inform fisheries management decisions influencing spawner abundances. As well, the SAR will provide advice on data requirements for possible assessment of Taku River Coho Salmon under the Canadian Wild Salmon Policy.

The Science Advisory Report and supporting Research Document will be made publicly available on the Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat (CSAS) website.

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