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Proceedings 2015/040

Proceedings of the Regional Framework and Assessment of the Scotian Shelf and Southern Grand Banks Atlantic Halibut (Hippoglossus hippoglossus) in NAFO Divisions 3NOPs4VWX5Zc; November 3-6, 2014, and December 8-9, 2014

Chairperson: Don Bowen
Editor: Kristian Curran


Atlantic halibut (Hippoglossus hippoglossus) is the largest of the flatfishes and ranges widely in the waters off the east coast of Canada. The management unit (3NOPs4VWX5Zc) is based largely on tagging results that have indicated Atlantic halibut move extensively throughout the Canadian North Atlantic. The last assessment framework for 3NOPs4VWX5Zc Atlantic halibut was completed in 2010. On November 3-6, 2014, a halibut framework assessment (Part I) science advisory meeting was held at Dartmouth, Nova Scotia. A halibut stock assessment (Part II) was held on December 8-9, 2014, also at Dartmouth, Nova Scotia. The overall objective of the framework meeting was to review the data inputs and indices of abundance for 3NOPs4VWX5Zc Atlantic halibut, as well the model(s) used to determine stock status, reference points, risk analysis, and the inter-framework assessment strategy. A ‘Halibut Science Workshop’ was held in conjunction with the framework meeting. The Statistical Catch at Length (SCAL) model and Operational Model HAL were accepted at the framework meeting, and applied to the subsequent stock assessment of the fishery. The overall objectives of the stock assessment meeting were: review biological and fishery information of the stock; assess model performance; evaluate the current status of the stock relative to the biological reference points developed at the framework meeting; generate forecasting model for purposes of assessing harvest strategies; and report on the bycatch of non-target species in the fishery. Meeting participants felt the Working Papers presented at both the framework and stock assessment meetings provided sound scientific analyses based on the best available information on halibut, and were acceptable for publication as Research Documents pending revision following discussions of the meetings. The Science Advisory Report presented at the stock assessment meeting did not receive complete review prior to meeting adjournment. It was agreed by meeting participants that the science leads and meeting Chair-person would coordinate completion of a draft report consistent with views expressed in the stock assessment meeting on the Working Papers, and circulated as a revised draft Science Advisory Report by email for subsequent review and approval. All comments provided on the circulated report were addressed, and incorporated as necessary, jointly by the science lead and meeting Chair. Sincere efforts were made in the science peer review processes to acknowledge and address all comments and concerns raised by meeting participants provided they were appropriate and within the confines of acceptable peer review practice. The Science Advisory Report received consensus following the stock assessment meeting.

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