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Proceedings 2015/042

Proceedings of the regional peer review of the re-evaluation of Ecologically and Biologically Significant Areas (EBSAs) in the Eastern Arctic Biogeographic Region of the Canadian Arctic; January 27-29, 2015

Chairperson: Kathleen Martin
Editors: Vanessa Grandmaison and Kathleen Martin


In 2011, Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) identified Ecologically and Biologically Significant Areas (EBSAs) in the Canadian Arctic including in the Eastern Arctic Biogeographic Region. Since then, new information from government and academic research has been published and the process that DFO uses to identify EBSAs has evolved. A regional science advisory meeting was held January 27-29, 2015 at the Freshwater Institute in Winnipeg, MB. The purpose of the meeting was to re-evaluate EBSAs in the Eastern Arctic Biogeographic Region, to identify where the key ecological features are located within each EBSAs, and review, modify or refine EBSAs boundaries as appropriate. This meeting was conducted at the request of the Oceans Program, and is part of Canada’s ongoing commitment to building a national network of marine protected areas.

Participants at the meeting included experts from DFO Science, Oceans programs and Fisheries Management, Parks Canada Agency, Geological Survey of Canada, Université Laval, and Canadian Hydrographic Service. These proceedings summarize the meeting discussions. Additional publications from this process will be posted on the DFO Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat website as they become available.

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