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Atlantic Fisheries Research Document 1996/003

Distribution and Relative Abundance of Age 0-3 Demersal Juvenile Cod (Gadus morhua) in NAFO Divisions 2J3KL in 1995 compared to that in 3KL, 1992-1994

By Dalley, E.L., Anderson, J.T., Davis, D.J.


Distribution of juvenile cod was examined in inshore and offshore areas of NAFO Divisions 2J3KL during fall and early winter 1995. Inshore fixed stations were fished in the same locations as juvenile cod surveys from 1992-94. In the offshore, a composite of stations from the more intensive random stratified design was utilized to compare with the fixed stations design of the three previous years. Age 0 cod were almost exclusively restricted to the inshore. Consistent with the previous observations there was an age dependent distribution whereby with increasing age there was a logarithmic decrease in the ration of mean catch inshore to offshore, reiterating the importance of the inshore as a nursery area for cod during rebuilding phase. The abundance index for the inshore only and inshore/offshore combined decreased for ages 0, 1 and 2 from 1994 to 1995. Catch rate of age 3's was extremely low all years. Catch rate of age 1's was relatively low in the offshore in all years. In the inshore, catch rate of juveniles was low in Bonavista and White Bays whereas Trinity and Conception Bays consistently ranked high relative to the other large Northeast coast bays. It is suggested that trawl derived, abundance indices for juvenile cod may be biased by virtue of the fact that large areas are untrawlable, particularly in Bonavista Bay, and these areas maybe preferred by juvenile cod.

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