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Atlantic Fisheries Research Document 1996/005

Zooplankton changes along the Newfoundland-Gulf of Maine 1994 CPR line and 1995 Halifax line

By D. Sameoto; M.K. Kennedy; N. Cochrane


The CPR data showed 1994 was a year of average to lower than average levels of copepods on the transect from Newfoundland to Georges Bank. The phytoplankton greenness index and the total number of fish larvae were above the long term mean. The zooplankton levels in April 1995 were very high on the Halifax Line but declined to low levels in July and were lower than normal in October. The macrozooplankton levels on the Halifax Line were low in July and October. This decline in macrozooplankton levels appeared to be related to the exceptionally warm water on the shelf in the early summer and fall. A close positive relationship between euphausiids and pelagic fish exists in Emerald Basin with both groups showing a significant decline in 1995.

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