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Atlantic Fisheries Research Document 1996/011

Indian Bay watershed roving creel survey - seasonal catch and effort analyses and estimates

By P.S. Fowlow; J.M. Hoenig; M.C. van Zyll de Jong


A roving creel survey was carried out on the Indian Bay, Newfoundland, watershed area in 1994 and 1995. It is estimated that approximately 5100 fish were caught each year. The estimated hours fished per day in 1995 ( 224 angler-hours per day) was higher that that estimated for 1994 (170 angler-hours per day). The catch per unit effort (CPUE) was similar in the two years (1.16 fish per angler hour in 1994 and versus 1.13 A fish per angler hour in 1995). The number of fishable days in 1994 (26 days) was higher than that in 1995 (20 days).

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