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Atlantic Fisheries Research Document 1996/016

Regional interim review of the status of northern shrimp (Pandalus borealis) resources in areas off Newfoundland and Labrador (Divisions OB to 3K)

By D.G. Parsons; P.J. Veitch


Data from the commercial fishery for northern shrimp were presented for four assessment /management areas: Division 0B, Division 2G, Hopedale + Cartwright Channels and Hawke Channel + Division 3K. Within each area, fishing pattern, catch, effort, catch per unit effort and size/sex composition were reviewed to infer the status of the resource. For Hawke Channel + 3K, results of the 1995/96 multispecies survey pertaining to shrimp also were presented.

With the exception of Division 0B, where the status remains uncertain, the shrimp fisheries performed well in 1995 with catch rates as high as or higher than observed since the fisheries began. Large, female shrimp were well-represented in catches from all areas, indicating a healthy spawning biomass, and high catch rates of smaller, male shrimp indicate good recruitment to the fishery in the short term. Significant catches of Pandalus montagui were reported from Division 2G and, more frequently, from Division 0B.

Based on the favourable review of the 1995 fishery data in comparison to previous years and the extensive area of shrimp abundance evident in the research survey, it was concluded that no decreases in TAC's were required in 1996, the third year of the 1994 - 1996 northern shrimp Management Plan.

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