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Atlantic Fisheries Research Document 1996/042

Comparison of research survey population estimates of cod in 4T, 4Vn and 4Vs

By A.F. Sinclair


Research survey estimates of mean numbers per tow at age of cod in 4T, 4Vn, and 4Vs were examined to address two questions relevant to the terms of reference of the Scotia Fundy Region working group on 4Vn cod. The consistency of the year-class estimates among ages was examined to evaluate the utility of the survey results for providing management advice for the separate stocks if indeed these stocks exist. It was found that the information content of the 4Vn July and 4Vs spring surveys is relatively low and would yield highly variable assessment data when compared to the 4T September and 4Vs July surveys. Secondly, the age compositions and relative year-class strengths of cod in each were examined for evidence of stock separation. Given the weak year-class signals at younger ages from several of the surveys and the similarity in trends at older ages, it is not possible to determine if there is stock separation among the areas from these analyses. However, the lack of juvenile cod in 4Vn during summer questions the local spawning population's ability to support the abundance of adults found in the summer surveys.

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