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Atlantic Fisheries Research Document 1996/048

Stock status of Atlantic salmon from Conne River, SFA 11, Newfoundland, 1995

By J.B. Dempson; G. Furey


Results obtained from a fish counting fence provided the basis for the assessment of the Conne River Atlantic salmon stock in 1995. Returns to home waters (river and estuary) were 3502 salmon < 63 cm in length and 100 salmon 63 cm in size. This represented an increase of 128 % for small salmon in comparison with 1994. Large salmon returns increased by 10% from 1994. Sea survival increased to the highest level since 1989-90 (5.8%). Estimated egg deposition from small salmon was 5.952 x 106 eggs; 76% of the target requirement. The contribution from large salmon was 0.369 x 106 eggs and thus 81% of the required target egg deposition was achieved. An enhancement project was initiated at Conne River in 1994 resulted in the stocking of about 128 thousand fry in 1995. Brood stock was again removed in 1995 for fry stocking in 1996. A mark-recapture study suggested a smolt run in 1995 of 62749 (55300-70197). With survival similar to that of 1994-95, over 3300 fish would be expected to return in 1996. A sea survival of about 7% will be needed in order for total returns to homewaters to meet or exceed 4000 adult salmon.

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