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Atlantic Fisheries Research Document 1996/052

Assessment of southern Gulf of St. Lawrence cod stock, March 1996

By A. Sinclair; G. Chouinard; L. Currie


Directed cod fishing in the southern Gulf of St. Lawrence was closed in September, 1993. Stock size had reached an historic low level because of high fishing mortality, reduce recruitment, and low growth rates. The results of the 1995 research vessel survey and data from other sources including sentinel surveys, indicate that the adult biomass has increased slightly since the closure due mainly to the growth of adult fish, but that the abundance of young fish is well below average. There are signs that the abundance of age 0, 1, and 2 cod may be improving, however the indications are highly variable and uncertain at this time. Stock production continues to be low and catches of as little as 6,000t could prevent any increase in spawning stock biomass. Continued low levels of fishing, similar to that in 1994-95, and improved recruitment are required for stock recovery.

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