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Atlantic Fisheries Research Document 1996/053

Assessment and biology of Greenland halibut (Reinhardtius hippoglossoides) in the Gulf of St. Lawrence (4RST) in 1995

By B. Morin; B. Bernie; R. Arthur; G. Chouinard; A. Fréchet; P. Gagnon


The main concentrations of Greenland halibut in the Gulf of St. Lawrence during the summer are found on the west side of Anticosti Island and, to a lesser extent, north of this Island and in the Esquiman Channel near the west cost of Newfoundland. Gillnet is the main fishing gear used in this fishery since the mid 1970s. Preliminary landings of 1995 reached 2 300 t. The total allowable catch (TAC) was fixed to 4 000 t since 1993. In 1996, it was reduced to 2 000 t. Abundance indices increase slightly since 1900. Also, the abundance of commercial sizes (over 40 cm) Greenland halibut has increased since 1994 because of the presence of good year-classes. However, large size (over 50 cm) fish were still not numerous in the population in 1995 and the number of juveniles in 1995 was still lower than the average of 1990-95. The length at which 50% of the female reach maturity was estimated a 49 cm in 1995. The weight of fish according to length (or condition) increased slightly in 1995 for fish over 40 cm. In winter, the Greenland halibut concentrated in the Cabot Strait area are probably coming from the Gulf of St. Lawrence

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