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Atlantic Fisheries Research Document 1996/055

Les prises accessoires de capelan (Mallotus villosus) dans le golfe du Saint-Laurent entre 1990 et 1995

By F. Grégoire; S. Hurtubise


The present report describes the importance of the capelin catches in the shrimp and groundfish fisheries in the Gulf of St. Lawrence. The data used for the analyses were collected through the Observer program conducted in the Gulf between 1990 and 1995. The sampling coverage of this program is important so the results obtained can be considered representative of the entire fleets. In the shrimpers case, one estimates that the accidental catches of capelin range from 500 t to 600 t annually. Nordmore grid does not exclude all capelin, but at least reduces its catch. Others species are also caught with capelin. Some of them are strongly linked together.

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